Performance statistics

Last update at 17-02-2025 16:22 UTC

Average interest rate¹
Total investor earnings
€280 023
Average investor portfolio
€7 627
Investors' loss
Cumulative investment
New loans posted for investment
Outstanding principal
by loan performance
Outstanding principal
by loan originator country
Average repayments²
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Registered users

¹ Average interest rate is based on the weighted average of currently available loans. Past returns and performance is not indicative of future results. Investment returns can fluctuate significantly, and investors may lose money.

² Repayment statistics shows past repayments, which does not guarantee investment repayment trend in the future.

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Investing in financial instruments involves risk. There is no guarantee to get back the invested amount. You could lose some or all of your investments.

SIA Nectaro (registration nr. 40203016025; legal address: Jeruzalemes 1, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia) is an investment brokerage firm licensed by Latvijas Banka (address: K. Valdemara 2A, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia). License number 27-5520233.

Nectaro is a member of the national investor compensation scheme established under EU Directive 97/9/EC. The scheme protects investors by providing compensation if Nectaro fails to return financial instruments or cash to investors. The maximum compensation an investor can claim under the scheme is 90% of their net loss, up to a maximum of €20 000.

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